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Case study on the learning model for a multinational pharmaceutical company


The purpose of this article is to perform a case study on the learning model based on a Canadian subsidiary of a multinational pharmaceutical company. The ADDIE provide a rudimentary linear process for developing courses, the model provides the framework to design the new program, although seemingly linear, phases can be utilized at any point, rather than just sequentially. Therefore, the ADDIE model is the most suitable for the Canadian subsidiary, which helps the HR Director designing the best program for learners.

Keywords: learning model, multi-national, pharmaceutical, ADDIE


The purpose of this article is to perform a case study on the learning model based on the status of PR Canada company, which is a subsidiary of PR International, a multi-national pharmaceutical company headquartered in European. In Canada, this company is the nation’s leading provider of prescription medicine.

In term of the Learning and Development program for senior employees, PR Canada had a Learning and Development Manager form local team, three Learning, and Development Specialists and an Administration officer. All participants in the program should fly to London to join in the class and thus a lot of extra expenses happen for the participants from Canada. Therefore, the CEO of Canada thinks that the company needs to develop the local program using the global leadership competency framework in Canada.

2. New program

In order to solve this issue, a new program is developing a leadership program depend on global leadership competencies by the HR department. The program focus on the Senior Leader competencies in the global leadership framework, including Strategic Agility and Motivating Others. This program has a budget of CAD$75,000 as the development cost in the first program. The new program could set up the purpose-built learning centre which has a full auditorium, a lot of spaces of the classroom, Wi-Fi and catering. The aim of a new program is to improve the leadership skills of participates and provide some new knowledge, especially leadership theory and future trend business trends.

The learners are the senior leaders in the organization. The comfort with technology in this program is able to use Wi-Fi in the classroom, it could use digital materials to training managers. In addition, the motivations for leaning is that the participants prefer to promote a higher leadership role in the organization, and using new leadership skills in their daily work. The leaners have already had most of the leadership competency in the Global Leadership Competency Framework, including the competency of potential leader and people manager. On the one hand, the learners have the competency of self-leadership, such as the drive for results, customer focus, organizing, self-development, decision quality, creatively, business acumen, peer relationships, interpersonal savvy and technical. First of all, the leader can be meeting the expectations and requirements of customers, establishing effective relationships with customers. Because it is easy for customers to serve and gains their respect. Secondly, the Senior Leader can able to constantly improve themselves in the work, and they can understand the different skills and methods of their work in different situations. In other words, they are clearly known that the strength and weakness of them deploy, and can make up its weaknesses. Moreover, the leaders always making good decisions and provide a large of creative ideas. Finally, teamwork is also important in the organization, the Senior Leader have interpersonal savvy in the organization.

3. Stakeholders

The main stakeholders of this new program are the Senior Leaders, through this leadership course, the leaders could learn more about developing leadership skills and some new information in the future business trends. It is significant to help the leaders in the organization. The new program has other stakeholders. First of all, the stakeholder is the CEO of the Canada company. Because the Senior Leaders is the important roles in the company, through this program could help the leaders improve their work more effective, and help the CEO share some troubles. Secondly, the stakeholder is the pharmaceutical company. Through the new program can bring more economic benefits for the company. The last stakeholders are other North American companies. If the new learning program is successful, other North American companies may follow the Canada company, which would have more benefits for those companies.

4.Learning theory

In adult learning need to some individuals and groups are required to undertake the responsibility of designing and organizing educational activities. The learners should know what is to be learned, how the learning is to take place and what the education is for (Wilison & Cervero, 2011). Designing the program is relies on three planning theory – conventional planning theory, deliberative planning theory, and critical planning theory. This planning theory can help know what is important matters when planers plan programs and what is excellent planning (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1).

The conventional planning theory thinks that the education planners should assess what is the learning needs at first, and then assess the goals of learning. The next step is to design the comments of learning and teaching format, and evaluating the results of learning (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1). The theory focuses on setting clear objectives and following a logical sequence of steps. Mover, most models have traditionally followed this approach (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1). The efficacy of conventional planning theory depends on its internal logic. If the logic is destroyed, then the consequences would be meaningless. In other words, the real matter in conventional planning theory is to promote an understanding of these theories. More accurately, this planning theory is lack of context and practical action (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1). On the other hand, the conventional planning theory always ignores the noise of people and their context (Forester, 1989). However, it depends solely on conventional planning theory could ignore the people in the real organizational settings (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1). The critical planning theory pays attention to how power relations shape the world and organizing possibilities for changing those relations using education. The purpose of education is to promote social justice (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1).

The deliberative planning theory is the best understanding as a process of practical reasoning (Schwab, 1969; Walk, 1971). Practical reasoning as the deliberative process requires analyzing the context, and the next step is making the best judgments possible how to do and what to do, given the constraints and specific environmental characteristics (Wilison & Cervero, 2011, p.1). The planning theory focuses on people deliberating about the best courses of action given the constraints of the circumstances. It is significant that considering the context is key to developing an effective program. Therefore, the new program of Senior Leaders training is most suitable for deliberative planning theory. Because the HR department has to analyze the context, like the budget is only CAD$75,000 and the initial class just have 20-30 participates in class. The HR department not only knows the context of this program but also need to make the best methods how to do in the next step. Including the control of the budget and the number of participates. In other words, deliberative planning theory realized the decision making the part of rationalist problem-solving (Cervero & Wilison, 2006, p.264). In addition, the deliberative planning theory also requires situational constraints, the values of planners considering what to do, and the judgments the courses of action (Schwab, 1969; Walker, 1971). In the process of the program, the HR department should consider the interests of the CEO, and strictly control of the budget and the number of participants. On the other hand, the HR department should also focus on the interests of learners, making them through this program could learn more about leadership theories.

5. Training evaluation

Training evaluation is a significant part of the program. Because training evaluation is the measurement success and unsuccessful of the program, including the content and design, and some changes in learners and the payoff of the company (Alvaerz,, 2004). These evaluations are depending on the evaluation model chosen. The first model is the Kirkpatrick’s model, this model has four levels (i.e., reaction, learning, behavior, results). This model is the simplest methods and the most commonly cited technologies (Alvaerz,, 2004). The second model is the Kaufman’s model, this model has six levels (i.e., input, process, acquisition, application, organization result, societal/customer consequence) (Watershed Insights, 2015). The Brinkerhoff’s model has six stages, is the goal setting, program design, program operation, and implementation, evaluation learning, usage and endurance of learning and the final stage are impacts and worth of learning (Brinkerhoff, 2005).

However, in this program, the ADDIE model is the best suit this learning scenario. The model including analysis, design, development, implement, and evaluation ( In this model, at first, identify the challenges of course, and the level of learners. The next step is that solve all problems of program, it can achieve the best design courseware and systems development training program, such as learning goals, learning content, analyze the learning theme, course planning and media selection ( In the part of development, the designers should design any materials of e-learning technologies. Moreover, the stage of implement focus on developing the learners in training program, including the learners should use the new courseware through training, and all recourses of course. The last step is the evaluation of the process of the program. The aim is to ensure that the learning process for all learning goals and needs can be completed (http;// Moreover, two types of evaluation, one is the formative, presented in each of the first four stages of the project. Another is the summative, based tests and course evaluations, it provides feedback from users, and revisions are made if necessary (

6. Summary

In this case study, in the Analyse phase, the course goals are training the Senior Leaders to learn more leadership skills and future business trends. Through the course, the Senior Leaders could better manage other leaders and product more economic benefits for the organization. In the Design phase, the HR department prepared the learning environment, like classroom spaces and catering. In addition, the HR department should know more about how to use the budget to provide the best learning environment. Furthermore, the designer should prepare more resources for learners, such as books, cools and courseware. On the other hand, the designer also should ensure the teaching methods for learners, select the most effective teaching methods to help the leaders learn better. Finally, the HR department should evaluate the program, for example, the program has achieved the goals or not. The advantages of this model are that recipe for the instructional design used by many instructional designers creates the tangible blueprint for all planners and stakeholders to view at any point during the program (Hokanson,, 2008, p.37). The ADDIE provide a rudimentary linear process for developing courses, the model provides the framework to design the new program, although seemingly linear, phases can be utilized at any point, rather than just sequentially (Regent University Centre for Teaching and Learning, 2014). On the other hand, the popular in other fields, such as architecture and information technology, it can use the ADDIE model to design occurs during construction (Hokanson,, 2008, p.37). The feedback from evaluations and formative analyses should give participants a voice. In addition, this model incorporated in other design models, such as ASSURE, Dick and Carey, Morrison, Ross and Kemp (Hokanson,, 2008). Therefore, the ADDIE model is the most suitable for the PR company. It can help the HR department designing the best program for learners.


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